Kavli Brain Showcase, noon-6 pm, Friday, January 18, Loma Pelona Center
Don’t forget to join us for the Kavli Brain Showcase, a half-day symposium (12-6pm) highlighting the wide range of brain-related research from departments across UCSB.
The event will include:
- Research highlights from new faculty and postdocs
- A special SAGE lecture from speakers Dr. Charles Spence and Chef Jozef Youssef
- Lunch, coffee, and a catered reception
Come get to know others in the UCSB brain community. Expand your network & your mind!
RSVP to Caitlin at cmtaylor@ucsb.edu
Looking forward to seeing you there!
SAGE Junior Fellows 2018-2019
Caitlin Taylor, Psychological & Brain Sciences
Dhananjay Thakur, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Eyal Karzbrun, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mary MacLean, Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies
With support from: Kavli Foundation, UCSB Brain Initiative, SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind & Neuroscience Research Institute.